Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Sunday Morning Sprint

Together with our Sunday cycling buddies: Isalda, Tim and Diane we knocked off a quick 26.7 miles before breakfast (almost) took in some more of our beautiful villages, a revisit to the Phoenix Trail (scene of an early learning trip for Alex) and Haddenham Garden Centre for a quick coffee and tea cake. 

And the best bit is...we dared the Winchendon 'non-bridleway' again this week (scene of earlier telling off by chap too young to wear longs) and this time we got caught, red bottomed, by the Earl/Lord/Big Chief I Spy of the Manor himself - arf, arf - oh my gosh we were sooo told off (again). Anyway, we told him we are all for charity' and he said he was dead impressed 'a jolly worth cause wot, wot, innit' BUT no donations were forthcoming AND he made us get off our bikes and push them along the concrete track. We had time to reflect during our stroll and might perhaps sympathise with him cos - apparently - if he grants us permission to pedal our way along his driveway, non bridleway, safe route, private bit of concrete, public footpath THEN everyone will want to do same. Sustrans where are you when needed?

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