Incident 1 - the CRASH
Poor Vicky took a big tumble when her wheel dropped down the edge of the road. It all happened so quickly. One minute she was leading the pack and setting a really good pace, next the noise of skidding on gravel was followed by the sight of Vicky lying on the road. There were two lucky breaks:
- Isalda made an impressive swerve and
- No cars were coming so Vicky wasn't hit by anything other than the road when she landed.
But...damn the state of our roads and, in particular, damn the drivers who think it's OK to drive over banks and churn up the verges which eventually caused the road edges to collapse and great big gaps to appear between the bank and the road edge. We need protection - which brings me nicely on to...
Incident 2 - the Men in Black
At Chilton club a mini bus full of young men in high spirits was unloading - that looked fun - then we saw the brand new, shiny, black saab parked outside, with men in dark glasses and smart jackets. Only one obvious reason for them to be there - body guards - so whose party was it? Well probably our little, jumped up, friend with the bashed up Ka and posh driveway/footpath (not bridleway) from Nether Winchendon House will know!
Who cares anyway - there is something more important yet to mention...
This week our efforts are so well rewarded - the wonderful ladies of Ashendon WI held a raffle at their monthly meeting to help us in our fundraising. They raised an impressive £32 for Macmillan Cancer Support. You are fantastic ladies because every penny raised goes towards a positive reality - £17.50 will pay for one more member of a cancer support group to go on a social event with other support group members. AWI - with your help we are now perilously close to achieving our target before even starting our Ridgeway adventure.
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