Monday, 24 September 2012

Clickety Click, Kerching, Kerching

On Friday 14th September Ashendon and surrounding villages (and a mighty fine couple from down Wiltshire way) made an impressive turn out for Belles Bingo night and helped us to raise an equally impressive £254.40p for Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Despite technical challenges Andy Dale ably called the numbers, checked the winners and kept the six games in line. We have to say Andy you have really got to grips with the fat ladies and little ducks, the Brighton Line and the blind things. We declare you the Belles top caller.

With wins for a first line and full house, a bonus second line on the final game and a well stocked raffle prize table we came close to declaring 'everyone a winner'.

We must thank Pelham Sparks of Westcott Club for lending us his number selection machine and for donating a supply of mighty fine bingo pens. The latter added to the evening in so many ways - we sold them, they added professionalism, Imo found them useful for decorating her bingo card and later in the evening we discovered they could be used for face decoration. Oh and they are indelible!

Andy sporting an indelible beard and dots.
With just over £400 in the fundraising bag we do, of course, feel more than obliged to complete the challenge. So on Friday 28th September Alex, Annalise and Sian will set off for three days to follow in the drovers footsteps from Faringdon to Oxford and Oxford to Brill.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far. To sponsor us on our walk please go to and please look out for details of our final fundraiser of the season which will be held on 19th October 2012 (put it in the diary - it's not to be missed!).

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Beware of the Cows

When I heard Vicky wasn’t going to be available this year for The Pollicott Belles I kind of hinted to mum (Alex) that I’d be happy to step in of they needed someone else to make up the numbers. For two years I’d heard about tea and cakes, cups of coffee, and ice cream – it all sounded OK to me so I was pretty pleased when I was told I could join in for this years sponsored walk.

We set off from Pollicott at eight thirty on Sunday morning to walk down to Quainton to meet some other people who were doing an even bigger walk. An interesting experience what with cows that followed us through the fields and the road – this was the road where mum had her accident last year and this was the first time we’d been down there since then.

I thought maybe it would help to shoo cows away but well noticed by Alex and Sian it did look like I was praying to them – especially it being Sunday as well.

We stopped for a quick chat with some local residents safely knowing there were no cars or cows in sight.

When we reached Quainton we realised we had missed the Ashendon walkers so we sat down with an ice lolly and a refreshing drink to look at the map and plan our route home. Nearby there was a rather interesting take on violin playing from a near by house. This was what I was expecting – ice cream, drinks, and music.

On route home we came across a field with a rather large herd of younger horses. Working at The Horse Trust and loving horses as much as I do it became my job to guard Sian and Alex from them as they herded towards us in a rather excitable fashion. The Belles knew I would come in useful eventually.

Getting closer to home we ran out of map to guide us home, Sian was doing well to direct us back but mum was convinced she had hidden some directions in her bum bag.

We met a very friendly farmer who decided that maybe we looked a little lost and very reassuringly mentioned that the field we had just walked through just last week had a bull in it – well dodged I think from some of the reactions in the earlier fields.

Once decided that we already knew where we were going and the nice farmer had just told us what we already knew, I had my first piece of girlie advice from Sian. She happened to mention that when dealing with men you should act like you know nothing when really you know it all.

Taking a slight detour near the end of the walk as we had a little trouble finding the exit to the field we decided to cut the walk a little short and Andy met us at the end to give us a lift back home.

8.30 – 1.30, 5 hours for a 12 ½ mile walk. Not bad I think especially as we had to be all washed fresh and looking funky as we had a date with Lady Gaga at Twickenham rugby stadium at 7.

Sian and I looked particularly funky as we rocked the night away dancing along to the music and had a great time. Mum and Andy looking not so funky I think had a little snooze waiting for Gaga to arrive.

Was an absolutely great day and really looking forward to doing our walk later this month.


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

A Warm Welcome at Florence Nightingale Hospice

And warm in every sense of the word. It was a beautiful late summers day when I headed over to Stoke Mandeville last Wednesday to meet Lindsey Fealey from FNH and the warmth of the day was easily matched by the warmth of the welcome I received from such lovely, caring, people.

With both Annalise and Vicky committed to work and Sian being dragged off at the last minute to a client meeting, I was admittedly a tad nervous about taking this initial introduction on my own, but Lindsey had me at ease within seconds.

As I entered the hospice at Stoke Mandeville I was immediately struck by the commitment and passion behind the work that goes on here, these are people who truly believe in what they do….and it shows.

The hospice itself is an incredible facility offering both ‘day’ and ‘residential’ care for the people who have come to rely on it so much. There is a great range of activities on offer including things like arts & crafts, hairdressing, and head massage, the hospice clearly goes to considerable lengths to make sure every day has something for everyone.

The memory that lasts in my mind is what I’d like to think of as a ‘secret garden’, a truly remarkable part of the facility. Somewhere at the heart of the hospice, surrounded by residential and care rooms, and the hectic world of Stoke Mandeville Hospital just a few steps outside, sits a garden full of the most vibrant colours. Open to the sky, with plants and hanging baskets surrounding you, the silence is only to be broken by the soothing sound of the water feature. This is a place where it is easy to forget why FNH exists, I couldn’t help feeling this was a very special place for so many people.

As my visit neared it’s end I was surprised to find that, what seemed like twenty minutes, had indeed been close to two hours – a truly remarkable facility that clearly means so much to so many people. As Lindsey handed me the FNH ‘T’ shirts for The Belles sponsored walk I knew we would be proud to wear them, to put something back into such a worthy cause and for our friend John Walker who cannot be with us.

Love and thanks,

Alex     x

                              The Belles in our new Florence Nightingale Hospice attire

Monday, 3 September 2012

Belles Bingo is Back

On Friday 14th September 2012 Belles Bingo will be making a big come back at Gatehangers Inn, Ashendon.

To be part of this exciting night out all you need to do is bag your Bingo Cards, get a drink and find a seat by 7.30 pm for eyes down at 8pm prompt.

Andy Dale has been practicing his clickety clicks, has his 2 little ducks in a row and is polishing his key to the door in readiness for his best performance yet. (Really!)

Alex has been touting and scouting around for prizes and there is little doubt that, as always, there will be something for everyone to win.

So, please come along and support us and help us to raise some funds for Florence Nightingale Hospice.

It really doesn't matter if you can't play Bingo - come for the fun of a Belles night out!

See you there we hope.